Join the community

Join the community by sending in a picture of a pretzel you made at home, either with a Pretzel Night kit or without.

Exclusive perks for members

Vote for events

We do stuff throughout the year, members vote which we do

Certification eligible

Members are eligible to get pretzel-making certified

Private group chat

Members can join a secret group chat

Friends & family discount

Members get a friends and family discount

Premium support

Premium support doesn't actually mean anything but it sounds cool

Early access to new kits

When we come out with new kits, we'll add you in the beta

Pretzel dating network

Think you might meet your special someone via a pretzel-making website? We got you covered.

Pretzel Night Hall of Fame

Where we will put the photos of the pretzels the community sends in. For now, it is AI-generated pretzel royalty.

A pretzel knightPretzel by user2A pretzel jesterPretzel by user2Pretzel by user2Pretzel by user2